Why organizations need to tell their social impact stories

Blog Why organizations need to tell their social impact stories

In a society like ours, the job of non-profit organizations is already tough, isn’t it? Creating an impact is a challenge, no doubt. But the bigger challenge is to gather funds. After all, not many people wish to loosen up their pockets for a social cause.

So, what can make the job easier?

Well, the best solution is to share the social impact stories in the form of video.

Such stories allow the non-profits to connect with their audience and at the same time, it helps them build a community around their cause.

That’s not the end though. These stories have the power to bring a change. And when communicated with the power of the video, these stories have the power to create an impact on society.

And for a positive change to sustain, it’s your responsibility as a non-profit to get such stories out.

No, not only because they help you with your purpose-driven marketing. But because they have the power to be the face of change.

Here are some of the reasons why the social impact stories deserve to be out there.


Stories connect and Spread

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Stories are a powerful medium to engage your audience. When told through the visual medium, they can instantly connect the viewers to your cause. This helps you to build a community around mission and bring about a larger change in the society.

Stories can break mental barriers

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Problems are always well illustrated. Everyone knows they exist. And most of the problems have simple solutions. Yet, people are just not ready to accept those solutions. They have a wall built around their thoughts which doesn’t allow them to explore. Stories have the power to burst through these walls. They have the power to bypass thoughts and make a place in the people’s heart. And once the heart is set at something, the mind automatically falls in place.

Stories inspire people to join your cause

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When you work for a social cause, inspiring stories unfold every day. These are not the stories to be hidden in a diary. Neither the ones whose secrets should be buried in our hearts. No. These are the stories which deserve to be told. Stories supposed to be spread like a wildfire. Why? Because success always inspires success. As more and more people watch the story unfold, they will be inspired to join your cause. Narrating your social impact story in the form of a video allows you to bring your work to life.

Now, let’s discover the What?

What can you share in the social impact video?

Personal stories. Why did you start the organization? What brought you to this cause? Has the journey always been this smooth? These are some of the questions which your story can answer. Not only the founders but every professional working for the organization will have their own reasons for joining the organization. All this makes up for a stimulating story. After all, the backstory which brought this story to life is always interesting.

Have a look at a few examples:

Impact story. Change is not always applauded in our society. The main reason behind this is that people just don’t know how the change is changing them. And so, your social impact story becomes even more powerful. It will not only make people aware of the change, but it will also help them understand how your work will benefit them. As they start to acknowledge your efforts, you will get a renewed boost.

Liberty & Justice: A Social Enterprise Impact Story | Forbes

Coppre Social Impact Venture

Success story. Social impact can never be measured in numbers. It can only be seen in the way it changes the lives of different individuals. And when those individuals sit to narrate their stories of change, they are not going to be anything less than inspirational.

Why videos?

In this internet age, video is the most powerful tool to spread your cause. As the number of mobile phone users grows, video becomes a perfect platform. Videos allow your story to unfold right in front of the viewer’s eye. Rather than having to imagine the story behind the words, they get to feel it. Videos make a much better emotional connection. Not only that, but you can also share the video on a number of different platforms including social media. This makes for perfect marketing material.

Every non-profit organization can use the power of storytelling to increase their marketing efforts. Not only that, but stories also help them create an emotional connection with their supporters.

Well, the corporations are doing it with their CSR videos, then why not non-profits? It’s time to get in front of the camera and inspire millions with your social impact story.

At Dreamfoot, we have helped several nonprofits and organizations share their social impact stories. Get in touch with us here.

