Elevate your HR operations with videos.
When it comes to communicating with different stakeholders, the HR department has a lot on its plate. While meetings and emails are the norms, they are time-intensive and impersonal and prove to be the least effective. Your employees want to feel grounded in your organization, as if they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Here HR videos for training can make a significant difference.
Dreamfoot, a professional recruitment video production company, creates video content that strengthens this relationship. It is important to us that we stay true to your brand. That’s why, every video we produce reflects your values and vision. HR teams of MNCs like Linde have largely benefitted from our HR training videos.
Hire Dreamfoot Studios for your HR video

Internal Communication
As organisations evolve, so do their policies. It is important for all companies to inform their employees about any changes. But long walls of text in the name of emails are not going to cut it. We help businesses ensure that everyone in their organisation doesn’t miss a single update.
Talent Attraction
In this competitive job market, as much as it is important for candidates to stand out from the crowd, it is essential that companies also distinguish themselves as employers. Before applying, candidates would like to know how they fit in at your organisation. We can help you with videos about the opportunities you provide, your work culture, vision or simply a day at your workplace. Our recruiting training videos empower your organization to enhance their hiring processes and train their teams effectively.

Employee Engagement
Establish a flourishing team at your workplace that works and wins together. Videos of the experiences they have shared like festive celebrations, award ceremonies, including events and workshops can help you foster an environment of mutual trust and support. We create tools that reinforce your efforts to create a conducive environment for all your employees.
Welcoming new employees and integrating them with your organisation is important for the overall employee experience. Usually, the HR team has one on ones with the new recruits to walk them through the company policy, or a mentor gives them an orientation. Video can help you reduce the time and resources spent on employee onboarding.

Some HR projects we have worked on:
A few HR videos made by us
Success Stories

Linde Engineering
A powerful success story video for an MNC.

Torrent Cables
An amazing safety induction video.

Subhash Chandra Foundation
A heart-warming social impact video.